Andy’s Fiver Friday #32 – Donald Trump feat. Kanye West,…

Fiver Friday Header II

Again, another week gone! Wow, so fast!

Happy Easter everyone and for those who don’t celebrate it, have an awesome free and long weekend!

1. Plugins

We found this little tool: Sub Destroyer. Nice helper to set up Sub Dropdowns in different variatons. Perfect to end up a piece if you just can’t find an FX that fits or to create timed risers.

Price: $65



2. Inspiration

An awesome read I got send by Dave Denes.

How Bose’s bad speaker system changed audio forever

Amar Bose’s story shows the value of plowing profits into research and relentlessly studying technologies to get it right.

Read more:

3. Music

Sidey posted that on the Facebook :)..Awesome RockMashup! Hold tight for the great news to come next week!

4. Social/Web/Whatever

Did you ever tried something else than red bull or coffee when being tired? I try to stay away from too much caffeine in its traditional form right now, right…minimizing COFFEE is really tough. This helps a lot!


5. Imaging

April Fools is right around the corner, so with the help of our awesome Charakter VO talents I produced this little tease about two of my favorite people right now :)… Check out this sweepers with the awesome voices of Rachel Butera as Kim and Scott Whyte as Kanye and The Donald.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&inverse=false&auto_play=false&show_user=true” width=”100%” height=”20″ iframe=”true” /]

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