Andy’s Fiver Friday #40 – Sometimes the journey is the…
The VocalSynth broke the internet (at least in the imaging world), my dad walks the walk and I started to rethink my approach to music, after reviewing the crazy mixture on my favorite Spotify playlist.
1. Plugins
This week after all the buzz on several Radio Imaging forums on fb and my man Jeff Schmidt introducing it big time, of course it is Izotope’s Vocal Synth. To be honest, yes I like it, yes, there is some cool sounds, but only “go froms” in my opinion. I played around with the demo on VO and it is good in terms of sound and options, but I think the full potential will be released if you used it for vocal processing. We will do a bigger review, maybe a comparison with Razor, Orange Vocoder, the Mouth etc., on the blog soon.
2. Inspiration
My dad, he is doing his “yearly walk” and with walk I mean more than 800 Kilometres of walking – by foot. He is 66 years old and does around 35 to 45 kilometers a day on his own with a massiv backpack on his shoulders. The route is from Southern France through the Pyrenees to Bilbao in Spain. His strength and will at this age is really impressive and a true inspiration for me to stick through in rougher times.
3. Music
My personal favorites on SPOTIFY…check it out!
4. Social/Web/Whatever
A guy I am inspired by his way of thinking about food, training and all the stuff around the 2nd best sport in the world. The most successful strength coach in the world: Charles Poliquin from Canada
5. Imaging
A youngster from Nova in Oz – Brad Laesk