Andy’s Fiver Friday #95 – Valhalla, Titanfall and Car Rain
Let’s get directly into this week’s five!
1. Plugin
Finding a good reverb sound is hard. But this one is pretty nice. Great price, solid sound. Valhalla Room!
2. Inspiration
Did you ever wanted to know how the sound effects of your favourite video games are done? The guys from Respawn entertainment did an audio spotlight on Titanfall 2 and gave an interview in which they talked about the creation process.
3. Music
Have a listen to this. Great, how they are playing around with the genres.
4. Web/Social/Whatever
These ambience guys are huge. 10:00h of car rain ambience. Here you go. VR is coming.
5. Imaging
Remember Darcy Milne, based in Sydney? Check out these podcast openers he recently uploaded!