Andy’s Fiver Friday #100 (!!) – Special Edition – The…
I am not ready for 100 yet! It is crazy, that this has been on for almost 2 years now!
Therefore I will have the 5 most read Fiver Fridays ever as a Special edition for you – below the actual FIVER FRIDAY No….100!!!! Yes baby! Thanks for all the support!!
1.) Fiver Friday #52 – Special Edition – VoxBox – Hardware vs Plugin
In Episode #52 we did a comparison between the hardware VoxBox and the plugin version of UAD. The result was pretty interesting!
2.) Fiver Friday #8 – from Hacking IKEA to Air Filter Gate
Want to pimp your studio by using ikea stuff? Also did some effects by using Filter Gate!
3.) Fiver Friday #5 – Boom!
Back then when Episode #5 was a milestone and Alex was a volunteer here at the studios
4.) Fiver Friday #91 – The Mouth, DJ Premier and FB Live
Including CHR Imaging Facebook Live video, great music and The Mouth tips.
5.) Fiver Friday #1 – BRAND NEW
Oh yeah! The ORIGINAL Fiver Friday Episode #1. This is where it all began.
… and here’s the actual Episode #100 – Enjoy!
1. Plugin
Ash recommended that to me – Brauer Motion. Played a bit around with the demo and it gives you great possibilities to add nice movement to your production!
2. Inspiration
Still a great dude with a great podcast. Take a listen!
3. Music
New Taylor record. Unexpected sound and the vocals are really stunning in my opinion.
4. Web/Social/Whatever
it is insane to get retweetet amongst 5000 highly successful companies having a massive celebration and online presence.
Thanks Inc. magazine to make us one of the ten best celebration tweets!
Awesome work by the benz creative team!
5. Imaging
My friend Christian and his August Composite from 89.0 RTL! Great german Imaging!