Andy’s Fiver Friday #225 – FreeAmp, Imaging Study And Iron…

Weekend is approaching fast, time for another episode of Fiver Friday! Check out this week’s findings: 


It’s time for another free plugin! Check out this free simple Amp by Klevgrand, simply register and the download comes free. (There’s some more free downloads on their site!)

Klevrand – Free Amp


Cool episode of Pensados place, showing you how to get more out of your autotune in vocal production!


Something different this week, some melodic house by Cubicolor – check this out on the highway at night 😉


Help my friend Ken from P1 to complete this great study about imaging. 

Want to win $1,000?
P1 Media Group is looking for Program Directors, Production Directors and Imaging Directors in the United States to share their opinions about Production and Imaging services. The goal of the study is to help production and imaging companies improve the products and services they provide radio, so your opinion is very important to us. The survey takes around 10 minutes and you will entered to win $1,000 for your participation.
Take the survey here!

FINAL CALL for your Iron Imager 9 entries! Deadline is February 28th, so you better hurry up if you want to get your shot 😉

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