Andy’s Fiver Friday #101 – Why Dunkirk is an awesome…

Here we go, another Fiver, that means another week is gone. I hope you you love the findings of this week and of course my latest Music Promo!

1. Plugin

Not an actual Plugin, but a huge orchestral library which is worth to be mentioned: Albion III by Spitfire.  The actual Dunkirk movie remembered me on this one, as it is a bit longer out now. Have a listen to this package:

2. Inspiration

This is how to create infinity, insane technique for an insane movie – highly recommend to check out this one!

3. Music

I love this deep house playlist on Spotify to do deep and focused work! Helps me to focus on admin, emails or when ever I am writing blog articles.

4. Web/Social/Whatever

Can’t believe that this happened  almost 5 months ago. Time is flying, already looking forward to Iron Imager VII and the contender for Brad!

5. Imaging

My latest music promo I did a few minutes ago. Love the new Tay Tay record and think it matches great with some Shawn Mendes and Selena remixing. Let me know what you think!



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