Andy’s Fiver Friday #135 – UPDATE of my favorite PlugIN,…

Boom, another week is gone and with a bang. Since yesterday Izotope released the new version of Vocal Synth and from glancing at it briefly, it is a fantastic upgrade worth buying. So many new cool feature and I also think they improved the code behind the sound, so much clearer and precise now. More awesome stuff….ENTER!


1. PlugIn

iZotope delivers once again with an outstanding update to one of our favorite vocal plugins – go check it out! TRY MIDI mode!!!!

Vocalsynth 2

2. Inspiration

A great compendium of quality sound design, tutorials included!

3. Music

Some Summer Feeling with Ziggy!

4. Web/Social/Whatever

What do you think?

5. Imaging

Our boy Dom Evans created second version of his promo without VO, so you guys can check out what he is doing music and fx wise! Nice work!

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