Andy’s Fiver Friday #237 – Free Valhalla Reverb, Beat Academy…

Time for another episode of fiver friday! Long week, but great findings, let’s get right into it: 


Valhalla DSP just released a brand new reverb for lush sounds and huge spaces and it’s entirely free! Grab your download here:

Valhalla Super Massive


Beat Academy just released a production breakdown on the latest single by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, Rain on Me – great insight into production, check it out here: 


The latest release from german upcoming artist Majan featuring electronic music producers Tujamo and VIZE – entirely produced on 3 different setups due to corona, check it out: 


From the creators of “The Office” – Space Force looks like loads of fun! First episode is out just now!


The latest from our friend Dom Evans – What the Fox going on!

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