Andy’s Fiver Friday #24 – Why Radio needs Wiz and…

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Fiver Friday time!

1. PlugINs

So I highly recommend a free plugin to check out here for the first time. This last week i played a bit around with Valhalla Freq Echo and it sounds great. For more free goodies, check here.


2. Inspiration
My friend Steve Reynolds, who is without a doubt americas most successful morning show consultant and just a great guy posted this masterpiece of radio entertainment on fb. Stuff like that inspires me every day to create the best possible Imaging for my clients. Radio can be fantastic! Still! #wiz #outstanding

3. Music

This week it is a german band, right Audiodamn!!!! – what a great single!


4. Social / Web / Whatever

A movie, yes one of my all-time favorites and I bet you dont know it and if you do – you have fantastic taste!

Btw, this is also a favorite movie Edward Norton, yeah that guy!

5. Imaging

Wow, Oli hated me for this one. Jean Michel Mechin and he worked countless hours to create what is an outstanding pieces of art  done for radio! Check the teaser video, new package will be on air next week on HitWest in France.

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