ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #379 -Radiodays Europe, spontaneous soccer + MEAT

It has been one of the best weeks since a long time as Masa came back after years to hang with the crew in Stuttgart. It is crazy he hasnt been here for 10+ years. So this week’s Fiver Friday will be all Prague and Radiodays Europe. Maybe not all, it will also be a bit Imaging, as this is what we do here.
Radiodays Europe is on and we are thrilled to see you all at the venue and if you wanna come and hang with us on Monday, please do so. Please email Masa or me before :).
The plugin for fun in Prague is for sure the food. Spoiler: This town is the beer capital and meat capital of the world. It is nuts to see all the butcher shops turning into restaurants, the richness of the food and the portion size…Insane. Check that guy eating his way through the city. I guess, that is what Masa and I will be doing all weekend 🙂
Check my favorite country singer, any song will do it! A true music legend!
Starting Monday it will be all about connecting with old friends, talking radio, learning and the sessions. Here you find the full itinerary, if you have a chance, swing by, will be a great show as always.
Spontaneity wins, yesterday we walked in the hotel and…there it was Polish soccer fans! So we decided to hit the Slavia Prag stadium and watch the game. 90 minutes later thuis happend! What a fun night.