ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #443 – Cannons, Lions Tracker’s Guide, and…

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1. Plugin

Came back to my attention this week.



2. Inspiration

  • the only choice is the one you made
  • any choice will set something in motion, this is the way of life
  • If is more about discovery, than being right
  • There is NOt one way, The only mistake is not making any choice
  • I dont know where I am going, but I know exactly how to get there
  • As paradoxical as it sounds, going down a path and not finding a track is part of finding the track…the path of not here is a part of the path of here.
  • The path of not here is part of the path of here
  • Losing the track is not the end of the trail, but rather a space of preparation.
  • Prepare yourself to hear the call, invite the unknown, look for the first track tune in to the instrument of the body and learn to see the track amidst many that brings you to life.
  • If something is all you have ever known, you mistakenly belief that’s just how it is. Perhaps this is the greatest danger that you don’t evenrecognize another way.
  • You can’t think you’re way to a calling, you have to learn how your body speaks. You have to learn how you know what to know. You have to follow the inner track of your feelings, sensations, and instincts, the integrity and truth that are deeper than ideas about what you should do.
  • The lion rests when it’s time to rest bond at times to bond, kill when it’s time to kill, fight when it’s time to fight.
  • Everything in a natural world knows how to beat itself
  • Trek awareness is how attuned you are to what is around you. It is recognizing a track when it appears. It is teaching yourself how to see what is important to you.
  • The miracle is not walking on the water, the miracle is walking on the Earth.
  • Track what makes you feel good and bring more of it into your life. Notice what makes you feel lousy and do less of it.
  • People are not looking for the meaning of life, they are looking for the feeling of being alive.
  • It is a kind of energy I have witnessed in people who have merged work, mission, and meaning. These people don’t take holidays or need days off they outwork everyone not from some kind of gritty determination, but a place of pure pleasure.
  • There is nothing more healing than finding your gifts and sharing them.
  • “What you seek is seeking you” – Rumi
  • we are a society that lives in denial of death and so we are society that denies life.
  • Humility is the liberation from illusions of dominance control, and power. I give up the importance of my life to instead become a part of life.
  • Maybe be never motivated by the outcome, live on the trail.
  • Remember to prepare for the call. No the call comes by the fact that not doing it would feel profoundly wrong. Open yourself to the unknown. Develop your track awareness. Admits all of the information that surrounds us. Learn to see what is deeply important to you. Use the feelings in your body as guide live on first tracks. Anything that puts you into your essence, no matter how small, is valuable. Even if you don’t know where it’s going with it, find friends to track with, lose the track, keep trying things, get feedback. Find your flow and remember to see how many unexpected things come into your life by living this way. It will be scary at times. Let the few bring you to life. I suspect that if you give yourself the room to live each day as a tracker, deep calling to serve will emerge. Go track!

    5. Imaging

    Some new CHR stuff from yours truly!

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