Andy’s Fiver Friday #49 – Travel and MOVE!

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Hey Guys, I’m back from sweden, had great time there and did not bump into an elk… Puh!

1. PlugINs

As it’s about travelling and moving today – check out this globetrotter Kontakt instrument from Soniccouture:

Geosonics is just one of their cool experimental sample instruments (and the guys have funny free stuff too!) And right now all Soniccoutere Instruments are 50% off in the NI Store!

2. Inspiration

I was there while in Sweden, one of the most inspiring museum’s I have ever been. Read all about it here.


3. Music

Travelling and moving – it’s always a good choice:

4. Social / Web / Whatever.

There you go: Benztown LA is moving! #‎SoLongBurbank‬ ‪#‎GaryGoesToGlendale‬ ‪#‎WeAreMoving‬ ‪#‎MovingOnUp‬
But so many great memories…

5. Imaging

It’s Rio time! Gold medal imaging from benztown!!! OK, it’s not THAT spectacular – but it’s a quick video how I’m using the topical workparts from our library in my session – check the FB video!

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