Andy’s Fiver Friday #73 – Cableguys, Ryan Holidays and a…

Beautiful sunny, but freezing cold days here in benztown. Check this weeks’ five!


1. Plugins

Ever heard of a plugin company called “Cableguys”? If not, give their plugins a try, as they’re doing great “creative-on-the-fly” stuff. My recommendation: FilterShaper!



2. Inspiration

A walk in the woods. I often do this to get a clear thought on complex things and freedom of mind. Also what I learned from top performers and ideal way to batch phone calls while doing a walk. Try it!


3. Music

Make sure to have a listen to this brand-new John Mayer EP!



4. Web/Social/Whatever

Great read:

Ryan Holiday about Tim Ferriss.

Tim wasn’t early on Twitter. He wasn’t early on podcasting. He didn’t have an email list until about two years ago. Yet he has 1.37M followers, has one of the biggest shows in podcasting and his email list is close to a million people (and I now get a bunch of 5 Bullet Friday ripoffs). The lesson to me is that being early is much less important than being right and being great.


5. Imaging

New HotAC package for Antenne Steiermark and Kärnten – super harmonic, tuning work on the vocals! Have a listen:



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