Andy’s Fiver Friday #98 – Free Plugins, A Trip to…
Ready to hit the road to Greece – 2 weeks off ! Yeah! First vacation this year. Stoked to spend time with the wife and kids !
So note that this also means a 2 week summer break for the Fiver Friday! Be ready when it’s back, as we are heading off straight to #100!
1. Plugin
There’s a ton of free plugins out there! Here’s a list by Pro Tools Expert! Have fun!
FREE Pro Tools Plug-ins
2. Inspiration
Pretty amazing story: How to make a 5h day possible and increase revenue!
What Happened When I Moved My Company To A 5-Hour Workday
3. Music
4. Web/Social/Whatever
Wouldn’t it be awesome – what is your opinion on DAWs on mobile devices?
5. Imaging
Great work from James Stodd for Avalanche our Classic Rock library!