Andy’s Fiver Friday – Episode…..who cares


Image: REUTERS, Nilufer Demir/DHA

This week there will be no plugIns, Inspiration or Imaging pieces.
As the Fiver Friday is a totally personal thing, I can’t go back to routine after seeing this on wednesday.

Again, this is a super personal post and has nothing to do with imaging….just saying!

As a dad of two I can’t understand how our world has become that cruel to people, who nee help, how corrupt, how superfical, how unsecure to point out obvious wrongs. Most of us are blessed living in wealthy countries, where there is no crazy dictator, no war or hunger. Our kids can grow up in piece and will live a good life.
What about a 3 year old kid from Syria? What about his 5 year old brother – washed up – dead – on our coasts.
How can we look away, close our eyes? Becuse we and our families are not directly affected? We try to achive the next personal success, the next step in our careers, our lives, can’t we try to achieve a bit more humanity, love and empathy? Thios will be my personal goal, my next step!

Thanks for reading and caring, I really do appreciate all your support and love in the last years.

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Andy's Fiver Friday - Episode 6 or Fine art and IMAGING

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