Behind The Mic with Brian Peck
Buzzwords about Brian Peck: Fresh, fun(ny), friendly, real(ly) cool. No we’re not hitting on you Brian, or are we? What we are saying is that Peck brings an undeniable energy and style to his work that’s…what’s the word we’re looking for…UNDENIABLE.
1) How did you get started as a VO actor? What was your first gig? A VO job for ESPN-U. But as glorious as that sounds, I’ll be surprised if they used it. It was not my most epic work.
2) Have you ever had a voice coach? I have and do work with NY’s best regularly. But more than that. Find a colleague you can bounce your auditions off of. It’s great to get another ear in there. For me that guy is Chad Erickson. My phone log is 78% ‘Chad’s Cell’.
3) Would you recommend it? That’s a tough question to answer because I know people who’ve found success with and without a VO coach, but I would recommend it most definitely. If you want to elevate your game and take it to a new level, yes, seek a great VO coach.
4) Who are your VO idols/mentors? Who influenced your work as a VO artist? To this day Ned Spindle has influenced my alternative reads, and Ned is a great guy. John Frost is another one. Jeff Berlin is a guy I’ve always admired for years and years (hey Jeff!). A lot of TV people (too many to count) have helped shaped Brian Peck the Voice Actor.
5) What is your dream gig? I would love to do work for the X-Games, Survivor, and my favorite baseball team, the Washington Nationals!
6) Can you offer 3 helpful tips for newbies trying to make it in the voice-over industry? 1.) Know from the get go that you’re gonna fall on your face and it’s gonna hurt. 2.) Watch, learn, give it a shot, and repeat. 3.) Don’t give up. Please don’t give up. The bottom is only that. Cause you will hit it. Pick yourself up and keep fighting for that gig. You will be awesome!
7) If you weren’t doing voiceover, what else do you think you’d be doing for a career? Like are we talking dream scenario or reality? Ok. Cool. I’ll answer both. If I could do anything I’d be a pro surfer or snowboarder or make documentaries. And if we’re talkin’ reality here I’d say I’d probably be making art.
8) How much time do you spend auditioning for new work? A lot of time. A lot more than I ever imagined I would.
9) Which production system do you use and why? ProTools and nothing else. I only use it cause it’s all I know.
10) What are your favorite plugins? I have a lot of Waves fav’s. GX MixCentric, Vitamin (for filter), H-Delay, L2, Air, and Time Adjuster are just some of the ones I use a lot.
11) What gear do you use (microphone, pre-amp, booth, etc)? ProTools 11 & 12, Sennheiser 416, Studio Projects C1, Avalon M5 and a now vintage Symetrix 528-e.
12) Do you have a different approach to reading radio imaging copy as opposed to TV/Radio commercial ads? Fo’ sho! Like for my alternative stations I get to be freaking weird and nuts. And for TV it’s more controlled. Radio Brian is who I’d hang out with. TV Brian is who my wife would hang out with.
13) What did it feel like the first time you heard your voice on the radio/television? The first time I heard myself on the radio as a professional, signed VO actor, was incredible! Like someone just smacked me in the face with chocolate donuts and wrapped me in a robe made of Big League Chew. That doesn’t make any sense does it. Yeah. Well. That’s what it felt like. Sweet.
14) If you could go back to any decade and hang out which one would you go back to and why? Oooooo…….I’m gonna go 1850’s and the wild west.
15) Favorite food? Chocolate chip cookies. Hands down. No questions. I want to die with one in my hand. It’s the only way to go.
16) What’s your guilty pleasure? The brownie mix bowl and a spoon or Goldfish crackers with an ice cold Coke.
17) If you could travel anywhere in the world right now where would you go and why? I would go to either Spain or New Zealand. I would love to go to Popeye’s right now.
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