Fiver Friday #469: AI Agents, Warren Buffett & More

team image

Whop Whoop. That is the sound of 5er Friday!!!


1. Plugin

Spoke to an old friend of mine this week about plugIns and what he is using right now…He turned me on to a THING I guess.

Thanks Benni!

2. Inspiration

A great quote I got sent this week by the one and only Mike McVay:

As Warren Buffett wisely put it:
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”
The goal isn’t to produce volumes of factory-style content—it’s to connect with audiences in a way that matters.


3. Music

How can this guy NOT win the Best COUNTRY Album?


4. Web/Social/Whatever

What is an AI Agent?



5. Imaging

Great Classic Hits Imaging from Benztown Branding.

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Fiver Friday #468: Supercomputers, Deep House, Europa Plus & More

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