Los Angeles 2011 or why I won’t get The Prince…

Hey guys, today I am writing you from the other side of the pond. I am back in L.A. for the next two weeks. My schedule is packed and we will work on several really interesting and challenging projects and catch up with the Benztown crew there. What does that mean for you….you will get great posts as ever + additional stuff right from hottest city in the world – Los Angeles. Did I mention the new Airbus is freaking great :)…

Read more about the Sound Design for the upcoming Melissa Etheridge Show, check the brand new demo, get the news on Benztown going Jack and discover who I am gonna interview, which upcoming pop star I will meet and why I won’t become the prince of Bel Air.

1.My biggest project for this week is to finalize the sound design for the upcoming Melissa Etheridge Radio Show, which is a big honor for me and a challenging task, because Chachi, Tracy and I committed on a very natural sounding, real and inspiring Sound Design. That been said, no zip zaps, fancy tricks = pure and natural sounding Imaging…when did I do that for the last time? Our VO guy is the one and only Dan Kelly, who is the Imaging Guy for WPLJ  in NYC and an unbelievable talented VO talent in my opinion. Thanks Dan for your great delivering and passion for that. Check out the demo for the Melissa Etheridge Radio Show

[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/17109176″]

Image: Melissa Etheridge

2. Benztown is going Jack!

I will work with Kevin, our imaging director for the brand new launched Jack format on the Jack Library, which will be amazing, cause I really love the format…also I am looking forward to my dinner with the inventor of Jack, Pat Bohn from sparknet communications

[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/17180248″]

3. Interview the creator of the KROQ and AMP sound: Jake Kaplan + check out the KROQ studios! It was a dream since I was a kid and got addicted to radio.

4. Catch up with Katrina of Red Red Records to discuss some song writing ideas my partner Oli had for her last week.

Here’s the video for her song ‘Shame On Me’


5. Do a lot of crazy private stuff and have no time for getting The Prince….. Check Tony Horton’s P90X, which Chachi really digs. Hopefully get inked by Jose Lopez, one of my favorite tattoo artists in the world, see the LA Dodger’s from a suite, visit San Francisco and and and…YEAH…LA 2011!

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