No Talk Day on Triple M – A MUST READ…


BT sent me this fantastic piece of audio. I was stunned and asked for the background story and it is truly amazing. Guys, this is a must read.


No Talk Day is an initiative from Triple M in Partnership with the Beyond Blue Organisation in Australia, where every day 8 people take their life – 6 of those are Men. And it’s primarily because men don’t speak up and talk about their feelings.


So for a full day, Triple M doesn’t talk either. No shows, no ads, no news or traffic – to highlight this fact and give men the space to start a conversation with someone they might be worried about, or if they are troubled themselves and having suicidal thoughts.

There is production played throughout the day that is stories of people who have seeked help and came out the other side – messages of support and information on how to recognize the signs within others and yourself.

Last year was the first year we did it and only on our 4 Triple M Metro stations. This year it’s across our entire network of around 45 stations across Australia.

In the lead up to No Talk Day (July 1) stations ran a piece that was a song called ‘Im Doing Fine’ sprinkled with messages from various men to raise awareness to the day.

Triple M Bundaberg took a call from a guy named Tony, who after hearing that piece wanted to share his story in the hope that it might reach out and help someone else and they turned that call into an Instagram post.


Our companies Digital Content Director shared the post with myself and the team of Content Directors and I thought that I could make a promo out of it. So after getting the cold audio of the call and while chopping it up, i started seeing the pictures as Tony explained his story – so i started to paint those pictures with SFX and try to bring the story to life. I had to be careful not to over do it, make it sound comedic with the Fx or too graphic and end up making a joke of or disrespecting his story.


The Song used is from an artist named Noah Kahan and its called ‘Please‘ I found it after spending an hour sifting through Spotify when i started building No Talk Day. I selected ‘Dean Lewis’ and then ‘find similar artists’ and Noah came up in a list of a dozen or so which i sifted thru as that music had the right tone to fit the No Talk Day production.

I had maybe 10 songs just sitting in my Pro Tools session –  so while building this piece i listened again through what I had recorded in and found that some of the lyrics in this song were going to help support and enhance Tonys story!  So with the combination of the song, the story and the FX, hopefully it has brought it all to life in a way that is respectful to his story… but also highlights what is possible for anyone in his situation.



Additional words:

Suicide and dealing – or in the case of most men – not dealing with emotions is an important topic, so please help spread the word. As men we tend handle our struggles internally, but it often is the right move to speak openly and to get your feelings and emotions off your chest. Emotions and addressing them is one of the main factors in being happy and moving forward, as internal struggles can eat you up. So try to not be scared of talking about your feelings as they’re human nature and nothing to be ashamed about. If you’re having trouble with this, try to write them down in a first approach, since even the act of confirming something to yourself can help tremendously. Take care of yourself, treat yourself right and seek help in case you need it!

Australian Suicide Hotline: 131114

American Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

German Suicide Hotline: 0800 1110 111

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