Useful links: The greatest Studio Desks or your Desk of…
Above you see pics of our studio desk transformation. Oli and I were using an Argosy desk for nearly 6 years and by upgrading our studio to protools 9 we decided to get a new desk as well. An AKA Pro Wave! Why? The new cinema display wouldn’t fit and arms were no option for us. You will find a complete post about our new studio setup with gear list here asap.
The idea for the post was born, while we were looking for a new studio desk. We checked almost any dealer and manufactor around the globe eand recognized pretty fast : A great desk matching all our needs and expectations is hard to find, especially if you wanna spend not more than a certain budget.
In general, the desk is really related to your personal preferences in a) design and material b) needs and c) budget.
The best manufactors we found:
If Budget is no issue: The perfect world is the custom made tailored desk. Here are some great companies and guys doing that.
Budget wise the best desk is the one you build from scratch. This ideas and links I found very valuable and if I would be more talented, I would go for that option.
Check out this video of building a studio desk:
Please send us pics of your studio desk and sources you pulled instructions from, if you built one on your own: