We’ll Teach You How To Dougie

Doug MacAskill ‘s radio journey began at Superadio Network in 1989 where he was Production Director for John Garabedian’s Open House Party. Now, 20 years later, Doug is the voice of that show – and heard in over 150 markets (and growing).


What radio VO work have you done in the past (stations/markets)? WPOW/Miami, WAMO/Pittsburgh, WDRC/Hartford, Xtra 910/Phoenix, X92.9/Calgary, X107.1/Atlanta, X107.3/Orlando, KFAT/Anchorage, Hot104.7/Modesto.

What are you up to presently (freelance/on-staff at a station)? I’m currently Creative Services Director for Hot 96.9 Boston – I work from both my Greater Media studio and home studio.

Work Studio

How did you get started as a VO actor? What was your first gig? If I recall correctly it was WRCD in upstate New York…I was on that station for a long time too!

Who are your VO idols/mentors? Who influenced your work as a VO artist? I think the great Don LaFontaine was the first to catch my ear at a young age…but when I was getting started Jeff Berlin was a huge help and someone I still look up to today.

What is your dream gig? Well…Obviously movie trailers are at the top but television network VO is pretty cool too.

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Which production system do you use and why? I use Sony Vegas – I know most people use Pro Tools but when I was weening off reel to reels and going digital I accidently stumbled across “Sonic Foundry’s Acid” which was a music sequencing and editing software…and they eventually introduced Vegas (which Sony ended up buying years later).

What gear do you use (microphone, pre-amp, booth, etc)? I’m not really too much of a gearhead – I know what sounds good to me and that’s what I go with. I’m a big fan of analog still and although I record digitally my mic is a Shure SM5B and my board is a (humongous) Pacific Recorder ABX26. The built-in mic processing in that board is unreal – I guess I’m old school..HA!

Home Studio

Favorite TV show of all time? Star Trek TNG

If you could invite one person to dinner, living or dead, who would it be (non-family)? Ronald Regan – I thought he was an amazing person and a great president.

Biggest Pet Peeve? Impolite people…what happened to good manners? Say Please & Thank You!! Hold the door for someone…C’mon people! HA!

Star Wars or Star Trek? Although I said Star Trek TNG was my favorite TV show – I’d have to go with Star Wars on this.

Elvis or The Beatles? The Beatles for sure – Musical geniuses!

Dogs or Cats? I like em both.

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