What are your favourite Speakers ? AND WHY?
This is a question I got asked over and over again, if we give a workshop or coachings and it is really a tough one as every environment and goal needs to be adressed in a different way as well as every budget is different. I personally like the sound of the 1031 by Genelec a lot and the “iconic Yamaha NS 10” as a second listeing experience (did I say experience:))…but there is so many great speakers out there depening on the budget you wanna spend. So I think we need to do a limitation on price per speaker and also for what we wanna use it.
So i would say – Speakers for Radio Imaging.
1.) Speakers up to 1000 US$ a pair
2.) Speakers up to 2500 US$ a pair
3.) NO LIMITS – would love that one!!!!!!
Please post in the comment section!!!!