What would you ask Joe Cipriano?

Joe Cipriano was honored to receive the 2010 Don LaFontaine Legacy Award. Photo: courtesy of JoeCipriano.com (www.joecipriano.com)
The voice-over gods have smiled upon us! We have an interview booked with Joe Cipriano, and I want to let YOU in on the action.
If you could ask Joe Cipriano anything, what would it be?
Let us know in the comment field below, or shoot me an e-mail (VOblog@benztown.com) with your thoughts. Not that he needs an introduction, but there is a great bio on Joe Cipriano’s website where you can read more about him. Many thanks to Greg Simms (one of the many great talents in Benztown’s voice-over roster) for getting us in touch with Mr. Cipriano!