ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #420 – AI Listener Audio is Here!

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1. Plugin

My Apollo is getting really old, still rock the first version and I might be in the market for a new interface. So, what are your experiences? What do you like? Anything comparable? While I was doing research, this was the best source I could find and in case you look for some nice peripherals, too – check this out !



2. Inspiration

3. Music

Still love this 90s Hip Hop banger!




4. Web/Social/Whatever

Totally random, but maybe worth a look. If I would get a new office chair today, this would be my best pick. Sat on this bad boy yesterday…CRAZY!!





5. Imaging

Usually some killer production here. This week some selfish promotion. Our new AI Listener Creator is online and ready to play around with. Check and learn more.

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ANDY'S FIVER FRIDAY #419 - Revisiting one of my favourite Bloggers!

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