ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #346 – Michael Jackson is so good,…

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1. Plugin

Waves CLA Bass – Yes its old and its kinda obvious to use it on bass. But I found myself using this goodie over and over again for that final touch to make your bass sit in the mix but cut through at the same time. That being said, don’t use it while listening to your bass in solo – trust me. Always listen in context while dialling it in.




2. Inspiration

This is incredible!! All this rhythm coming from the vocal tracks by Michaels body. Those vocals are mind-blowing, really.

And a lot of good arrangement tips to take away 😉




3. Music

Oli’s Tipp: Some really cool modern rock from Japan with a GREAT production!!




4. Web/Social/Whatever

Richard Branson shared this article on linkedin…great read and so true!


Instead, befriend people who inspire awe in you.




5. Imaging

Here it is – the latest from yours truly


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ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #345 - Best Netflix Series? + Free FX, NEW Global Radio Ideas Webinar and NEW Tool for AMAZING Sounds!!

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