Andy’s Fiver Friday #82 – Amsterdam, RDE 2017 and “JUICY”!

What a great week, RDE 2017 in Amsterdam have been awesome, my birthday, too, as well as we had “EL Presidente” in town. It was fantastic to meet so many great people and old friends. I insert some impressions, so you see what was going on in the benz world.

1. Plugin

This week is compressor week :). Still love the sound of the 1176 on almost everything, works great as UAD plugIN!

2. Inspiration

Not a really complicated and super sophisticated read, but somehow refreshing…

How Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Other Time-Crunched Entrepreneurs Find Inspiration


3. Music

Cant beat the Old school! One of the best Hip Hop tracks ever made.


4. Web/Social/Whatever

Super inspiring or just cool, if you wanna know how some of the greatest things in the world today are and have been created.

5. Imaging

Some new work on CLIQUE from the UK’s finest Ashley Bard.



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