Argentina’s Finest or meet Luciano Voglino – THE Diego Armando…

This post about Leandro Adrogue got so much love, so I decided to interview the second spanish speaking Imaging guy this month – Luciano Voglino. Raul was so kind to introduce me. Luciano is a great talent, working for a nationwide argentinian network called Vorterix Rock. I am happy to showcase screen caps, some audio examples of his work. Most important : He is born in the country of my all time hero : DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA. Please note this is a bilingual interview in english and spanish!

Enter Luciano:

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1. What’s your way of going through a production?

I use to meet the client and try to understand what he needs imaging-wise for his station.  After that I write a short and powerful copy, trying to keep the same idea all along the production, from the voiceover to the final bounce.

Mi sistema consiste en juntarme con cliente, comprender que idea tiene para la artística de su radio, hacer una redacción de los textos que sea corta y de alto impacto y luego mantener la misma idea desde el locutor hasta la producción final.

2. What’s your system and what are your favourite plugIns?

My favourite system is Protools, and I love Wave plugins.

Mi programa favorito es el Pro Tools y los plug ins que más utilizo son los paquetes waves.

3. How do you schedule your work?

It is difficult to schedule my work as we are always in a race against time. For me, the most important thing is to backup a good bunch of effects, music and software setup in order to speed up all next steps.

La programación del trabajo es un poco complicada porque siempre vamos contrarreloj, para mi lo más importante es trabajar en el armado de un buen Buck up de efectos, música y seteo de programas para acelerar los pasos.

4. What is the best protools or production trick anybody should know?

I don’t think there are tricks. Working always gets good results. Your effort, your tests, to be curious and always trying to discover new things will make you a good producer.

No creo que hayas trucos, el trabajo siempre da sus resultados. El esfuerzo y el hecho de probar, de ser inquieto y tratar de descubrir cosas nuevas, estos factores hacen de un buen productor.

5. How do you get inspired and what do you use as source of creativity?

Inspiration is also based in searching for alternatives, looking into unexplored fields… of course you cannot do it on kind of “classic” clients, as they use to ask for the same things…, but a key would be: trial and error.

La inspiración también radica es buscar alternativas, en indagar en campos que aun no fueron explorados, no siempre se puede hacer porque hay clientes que son ¨clasicos¨ y siempre buscan lo mismo, pero un clave seria: prueba y error.

6. Who were your radio production idols, who influenced your work as a producer?

There aren’t many producer references for me. But a person that opened many doors, always helps me and shares his knowledge is Leandro Adrogué. He’s currently working as imaging director at Grup Flaix in Catalonia, Spain. On the other side, I always try to get inspired of things made in other latitudes.

No tengo muchos referentes, una persona que me abrió puertas y siempre esta dispuesto a ayudarme y pasarme sus conocimiento es Leandro Adrogue, director de arte en el grupo Flaix. Siempre trato de nutrirme, de escuchar que cosas se están haciendo en otras latitudes e incorporar nuevos conceptos en edicion.

7. What would be your 3 key advices for a youngster?

First, they should enjoy what they do, that way their appetite will always keep intact. Secondly, they must be persevering and persistent as it’s a long and road and they should never give up. Finally, responsibility. When they meet first doors opened, they should work very hard and be aware that their major value will be their seriousness.

Primero, que se diviertan con lo que están haciendo, de esta forma las ganas siempre se mantendrán intactas. En segundo lugar: ser constante y persistentes, el camino a veces se hace largo y nunca hay que bajar los brazos. La responsabilidad, cuando las puertas se comiencen a abrir hay que trabajar duro y a conciencia que ese será nuestro mayor capital, la seriedad.

Thanks to Luciano for sharing his knowledge with us!

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