Become Speedy Gonzales or The Short Cuts Imperium
At Benztown we love to work with short cuts. They make you fast as hell and we could never imagine working without them.
Last time, Andre focused on Keyboard Command Focus Mode and now it’s time to count down our own personal favorites. A lot of them are basics, but you might find some stuff you didn’t know…
⌘ + S = save
⌘ + Z = undo
⌘ + ⇧ shift + Z = redo
⌘ + X = cut
⌘ + C = copy
⌘ + V = paste
⇧ shift + ⌘ + N = create new track
⇧ shift + ⌘ + I = import audio into session
⇧ shift + ⌥ + I = import session data
⇧ shift + ⌘ + W = close session
⌘ + F = creating fades
⌘ + E = seperate region at selection
⌘ + H = heal seperation
⌘ + D = duplicate marked region
⌘ + G = create group
⌘ + ⇧ shift + L = loop Playback
⌘ + ⌥ + B = Bounce to disk
F12 or 3 on numeric keypad or ⌘ + Spacebar = start record
⌘ + clicking on a Plugin insert = bypass Plugin
⌥ + ⌘ + clicking on a Plugin insert = bypass all Plugins in the same row
⌘ + ] or [ = horizontal zoom in or out
⌘ + ⌥ + ] or [ =vertical zoom in or out
⌘ + M = mute or unmute the marked region
⇧ shift + M = mute the track, where your selection is
⇧ shift + S = switch the track, where your selection is to solo
⇧ shift + R = record enable the track, where your selection is
⌥ + ⇧ shift + D = duplicate tracks
⌥ + control + Plus/Minus (+/-) on numeric keypad = change grid value
holding ⌥ while clicking on solo/mute = switches all tracks to solo / mute
holding ⌥ while clicking on region in region browser = prelisten region
⌥ + M = quantize MIDI
That was just a little selection of shortcuts. What are your favorites?