Behind the Mic: Kenny Caughlin

Benztown Voiceover Kenny Caughlin

Kenny Caughlin began his career as a voiceover artist at just 9 years of age. Since then he has voiced thousands of radio and TV ads around the world. Kenny has also been a Radio Imaging voice for over 40 years and has been the voice for radio stations in NYC, Toronto, Miami, San Angelo, Texas, Vancouver, Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, The Turks & Caicos Islands, Nassau Bahamas, Aruba, Jamaica, Europe, and even in Iqaluit at The North Pole! Kenny also created and runs 2 radio stations in The Turks & Caicos Islands from his home studio in Canada – making frequent trips to the island and giving Kenny the best of both worlds.


What radio VO work have you done in the past (stations/markets)?


I have been a radio imaging voice for over 40 years and have been the voice of radio stations in NYC, Toronto, Miami, San Angelo, Texas, Vancouver, Turks & Caicos, Aruba, Jamaica, Europe, and even in Iqaluit at The North Pole!


What are you up to presently (freelance/on-staff at a station)?


I run 2 radio stations in The Turks & Caicos Islands from my home studio in Canada.

What do you love about your job?




How did you get started as a VO actor?


I was a model at age 9 when my agent called and said “we have a voiceover for you” and I replied with “what is a voiceover”? Over the next 48 years, I voiced literally thousands of radio and TV ads worldwide.


What was your first gig? Any memorable ones since then?


“I saved $500 on my insurance with Young Drivers Of Canada.” I read it once and the director said “perfect”. I looked at my agent and said “that was way easier than modeling – I want to do voiceovers”! Also – I showed up at a big studio to voice a movie trailer for Crouching Tiger – Hidden Dragon and the director asked “it said on your profile that you speak Chinese? And I replied with – it doesn’t say I speak Chinese – it says I can do a Chinese accent! The producer decided to give it a try anyway by reading the Chinese words out loud with me trying to duplicate what he said in Chinese and it worked!!


Who are your VO idols/mentors?


Earl Mann, Charlie Van Dyke, and Don Lafontaine.


What did it feel like the first time you heard your voice on the radio/television?


Amazing! I still love it when I hear my voice on the radio or TV just as much as I did when I was 9.


How has new technology changed the way you work?


I am the first guy in history to run 2 radio stations in The Caribbean via the internet.


Benztown Voiceover Kenny Caughlin Studio

Welcome to the place where Kenny makes VO & radio magic!


What gear do you use in your studio?


Sennheiser 416 shotgun, Adobe Audition, and Source Connect.


Have you ever had a voice coach? Would you recommend it?


Yes, I have worked with most of the top voiceover coaches in Hollywood and NYC.


How do you market your services to potential clients?


Through Benztown, my website, and email.


Can you offer 3 helpful tips for newbies trying to make it in the voice-over industry?


1. Never give up! 2. Listen to those better than you (a lot). 3. Work with a reputable coach.


If you could go back in time and hang out in any decade, which one would you go back to and why?


The 80’s – such a fun era!


Favorite 2 pizza toppings?


Pepperoni, and pineapple – yes pineapple!!!


If you could invite one person to dinner, living or dead, who would it be?


My deceased father or Jesus Christ 🙂


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