HARD work and A LOT OF work…



Isn’t that the same. No, not at all. HARD work is totally different from A LOT OF work. Why?

HARD work is the stuff, which is tough to do. That means it has no time component to it or at least time is not the key factor. It is HARD work to fight against the establishment of people not willing to change, it is HARD work to be a visionary, who wants his dreams come true and it is HARD work to convince your boss to get more time to evolve a great idea….What i find HARD:

HARD. is to try new routines in ProTools each time you use it

HARD. is come up with great copy each day

HARD. is to learn music to improve your production

HARD. is to work on your weaknesses

At the end only HARD. work is making YOU successful

The opposite is A LOT OF WORK, which is heavily related to the amount of time you spend on it, but it could be done by everyone having an average skill set. Time is measurable – effort and visions aren’t.

What you gonna do today?

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