How an Imaging guy becomes James Dyson or Scratch Your…

What do Vic Firth, James Dyson and Oli from benztown all have in common? They all build and create elements they need on their own.
4 years ago Oli had the feeling he never got the right Sound Design Work Parts and Imaging FX he was looking for on the CD or Online libraries he was purchasing. So he taught himself to create outstanding Imaging FX. He experimented a lot, bought some synth gear, trieda drum sampler, loaded them with shiploads of stuff and f**** around with it. By doing this everyday day he created a huge archive for benztown, which fits his own needs better than any product around.
Learn to scratch your own itch, make your production sound better, save time and improve yourself with this easy 5 minute 3 step workout.

1. Reserach what you really need to make your production / imaging sound better?

–> I know, it could be tons of stuff! Ask yourself the question :  What is the most important NOW (new VO, FX, Library, Musicbeds, PlugINS, Gear….. )?

2a. Find the right product and buy it


2b. Create what you need by yourself


2c. Find a coach (search somebody who can show you how to do it.)

3. use it and improve your imaging / production.

Don’t forget : No matter what you buy or purchase, nothing in the world can replace talent and passsion. Give Carlos Santana the worst guitar and his A minor will cut through and make the difference.

The Tone is in your fingers…..

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