The next great Radio Personality? Image the MELISSA ETHERIDGE RADIO…

Image: Melissa Etheridge

Most of the time we speak about Station Imaging, but another topic came to my mind  when I read the latest blog post of my friend Tracy Johnson. (Tracy wrote an incredible successful guest post on our blog a few month ago and is legendary for his innovative programming and thinking out of the box). He also did a Q&A with Melissa Etheridge about her upcoming radio show at this years World Wide Radio Summit in L.A. last week – watch the video.

A few weeks ago Dave “Chachi” Denes and Melissa’s crew asked me to do the Imaging Package for the show, which I am really proud of and feeling honnored about. Check the infos on Melissa’s Show and what we’ve done until yet here. My Task for you is:

Think a second about how would you image a syndicated Show? What would be your focus having a presonality like Melissa Etheridge doing a radio show?  Real, Inspiring and Fun. AC Radio Redefined – what does this mean to you on the Imaging side?

My only goal  is to keep it as real as possible and do a more laid back and natural sounding Imaging makes her as a person stands out. Thoughts?

I am really looking forward to hear your ideas on it! Email me: or post a comment!



BTW: Everybody can can win Melissa’s Ipad 2 here.

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