Andy’s Fiver Friday #41 – A Galactic Reverb, The Best…
Friday again! Here we go, my five for this week:
1. Plugins
It’s hard to find the right reverb in terms of sound. Some sound to harsh, some sound to cavey and every reverb reacts differently on various material. With eventide’s blackhole we found a reverb which sounds just great – especially on sound design elements. Every parameter can be transitioned inside the plugin and it has some interesting possibilities like setting up negative size values. Check this demo, but don’t get distracted by the intro – it is not jsut an old school sci-fi tool.
2. Inspiration
We started this blog in September 2010. Since then we did several interviews and to keep an overview, I did a list of the best ones. Check the best ones of 2013 and 2014 – more to come!
Image by Raymond Mottl
3. Music
My brother Dom from HOT97 is a fantastic imaging guy and remixer. He created this masterpiece (Dom Da Bomb Remix), which is hitting the charts right now!
4. Web/Social/Whatever
One of the classics, when it comes to audio tech magazines: Sound On Sound. The website itself looks… a bit confusing… but the articles are well researched and give a good read. An interesting article I just found deals with the question and possibilities of separating vocals from an instrumental.
5. Imaging
Fame FX Vol. 2 will be out soon!! Here is a first impression. Be sure to check Fame FX Facebook to be updated!
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