ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #264 – The 2020 MEGAMIX, Benztown CHR…

It doesn’t get any less busy…but it doesn’t get any less exciting either 😉 Here are the five goodies of the week!
1. Plugin
You can always find awesome voice effects where you’d never expect them…the Beat Arpeggiator setting of the new Guitar Rig 6 is a fun starting point for vocoder effects – check this out…listen up 😉

2. Inspiration
This was a big topic this year…good read
3. Music
What an end of the year mashup by our one and only Jan, Video by Alex
4. Web/Social/Whatever
Wonderful explanation for makers & creators..this is why you hate meetings compared to your bosses 🙂
5. Imaging
New Christmas imaging for Benztown CHR from yours truly