ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #278 – big Clubhouse Chat about Stutter…

Boys and Girls, what a week. The best Clubhouse session until today with an awesome lineup, Radiodays Asia in the middle of the night on Zoom, and some great findings.
1. Plugin
This is not just plugins this week. It is basically my notes from our Clubhouse chat, including some plugin recommendations.
To be honest, we could have also called that session:
Stutter Edit 2 Bashing, nobody on Clubhouse was sure he could make it work all the time. According to Ricky Roo, Bryan Apple has mastered it. Bryan, if you read this…we need you on Clubhouse next week!
Some alternatives.
I recommended Shaper Box and Tantra
Gabriel recommended Replicant 2
Turnado was recommended by James Stodd I think
Also amazing, the hard drive battle between Jeff Berlin, the man who build space ships, studios, and the best HDs himself and Steve Stone, who recommended this particular brand :
I had so much fun guys, see you next week…
2. Inspiration
Thanks Radiodays Asia, thanks Malaysia for your hospitality. Second time we were part of this event, sadly only remote and on Zoom, but I am looking forward to coming back and seeing you all.
Here is 2019 vs 2021. More info about the workshop, the show etc. on the Radiodays Asia site