ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #306 – “The Master Limiter”, Killer Imaging…

So, another week is almost done and it is time for Fiver Friday!!!!
1. Plugin
My good friend Jean-Michel speaks highly about that bad boy, so I need to check it out and so should you!
2. Inspiration
Enjoy Radiodays Europe this weekend. Sadly I couldnt make it this time and see all my radio people, but feel free to come by our virtual booth and say hello!
3. Music
My new HIP HOP playlist, very difficult for me as I am such an Old School Lover!
4. Web/Social/Whatever
If you need a Zen Moment: kazephoto _ 4 K 癒しの自然風景
5. Imaging
Some nice work from Spain – Kike keeps on killing it!