Custom Pro Tools Shortcuts for Mac OS X


Okay, this might sound crazy, but did you ever had the feeling that you might not have enough shortcuts for Pro Tools?

Although there are tons of shortcuts are included in Pro Tools, you’re always in need for the one shortcut that doesn’t exist, believe me 😉

But there’s a cool trick to create your own custom Pro Tools shortcuts for Mac OS X. Get faster than ever before.

Creating own shortcuts within Mac OS X is pretty easy. Enter System Preferences –> Keyboard and click Application Shortcuts.

By clicking the little plus symbol, you can add another shortcut. First, enter the application (in this case Pro Tools) and then enter the exact name of the menu title you want to add. In this example, I’ve chosen to activate and deactivate the Regions List with a shortcut, so I’ve written ‘Regions List’.

Now, here’s the tricky part: Find a shortcut which isn’t already assigned in Pro Tools 😉 I’ve chosen  ⌥ + R in my example, but ⌥ + V should work as well.

Create you own shortcuts for Pro Tools and several other applications in a few minutes and save a bunch of time in the future.

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