Andy’s Fiver Friday #103 – Why music StartUps Fail so…
How could a week go by so fast? It was a crazy one, but good things on the way, stay tuned for more…
1. Plugin
Stage from PlugIN Alliance. Great Stereo Toolkit. New opportunities. Just check the video here:
2. Inspiration
This girl has no excuses. Love Rachel!

“What do you do when your clients need you, but you have no internet or cell signal at your house, so your Roomio is worthless? You get your ass in the whip , drive around to find a signal, and work. #noexcuses#nomakeup #work #workinthewhip”
3. Music – 60s / 70s Soul is my SH***t!!!
4. Web/Social/Whatever
This is a great article about streaming, music platforms etc. My partner Chachi shared this one with me.
5. Imaging
Great work from Chris Davis and Alex on the Hot AC library!