Andy’s Fiver Friday #126 – Benztown’s RAP Award Nominees, Jan’s…

Insane, the flu has me – still. Can’t remember being this sick in years. Anyhow, again no excuses, here is your weekly dose. Why I’m super proud of Jan and my plan for next week!  

1. PlugIn

Bring your attention back to THE FINGER (aka Body Part) by NI powered by REAKTOR – some cool & creative real-time MIDI controlled FX!!! From time to time like adding a little ‘wow’!

2. Inspiration 

This article blew my mind as it says what I feel just so much better than I ever could have.
So remember to “construct a team of stars rather than pamper a superstar.”

3. Music

It’s been ‘Years & Years’ since they’ve released a new song! FINALLY BACK!

4. Web/Social/Whatever

It’s that time again.. 🙂

Looking forward to seeing you guys there next week. Let me know, if you are around:! Would love to catch up!

5. Imaging

Vote for James and Jan!!! Check out our Benztown nominations @RAP Magazine – so proud of you guys!

Sam FM Network Breakfast Imaging by James Stodd:

Benztown Megamix 2017 by Jan Brückner:

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Andy's Fiver Friday #125 - The Return of a Legend, Fame FX For Free and Bring Back the 90s!

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