Andy’s Fiver Friday #178 – Back from LA, Berlin Air…

Wow, what a week. Since Tuesday I am back from LA and back to the grind.  
The WWRS was a blast, we had legendary evenings with our Iron Imager candidates Brendan and Sam at benz house and it was just awesome to see so many industry friends, VO artists and imaging colleagues and of course the benz family! I feel WWRS gets more and more traction along our people ! Yes!


The guys from Soundtoys have yet another sale, awesome prices for awesome products, definitely some of our favorite plugins! Check it out:

Soundtoys Spring Sale 


You gotta love that FB page for Travel Inspiration!

My good friend Rainer wrote this song for the anniversary of the legendary Air Lift in Berlin


Interesting new series on Sound Design by Waves:


Some new FREEBies from one of the best in the biz..You are a real Rockstar, Bryan!! Was great seeing you in LA bro!

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