ANDY’S FIVER FRIDAY #271 – Workflow with the Benztown Plug-In,…

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Top five of the fifth week of the year – enjoy!


1. Plugin

Man this has been there for almost 2 years and I still love the seamless workflow so much. Audition, download and ready to roll…all in your session.

Visit for more information!



2. Inspiration

What a great commercial !!!



3. Music

That stuck in my head all week, after seeing it on the freestyle soccer videos with my son!



4. Web/Social/Whatever

So many great talented kids here in this soccer freestlye / pana world.. Here are some of my favorite ones..

@lisafreestyle – Lisa Zimouche

@sterre_kroezen – S T E R R E

@akkamist – Joris Sebregts

@life_on_freestyle – Jesse Mergelsberg

@mehdi_amri_10 – Mehdi Amri


5. Imaging

Some new imaging rom yours truly for benztown CHR


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